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ebobgf . gkg
A digital cybersecurity scrapbook of Het Joshi


by Het Joshi

Why choose CyberSecurity?

Well as an Computer Enginnering student in college, I was surrounded by my classmates who were doing things in DSA, Competetive prgramming, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and Web Development. Personally, I found these fields of Comp. Sci. to be cluttered and boring. No doubt that these fields show great promise but on a personal level they did not appeal to me. I was already a beiliever of Free and Open Source Software and have been blogging about it on Het’s Blogarithm. My interest in Linux aswell has always made me get my hands dirty and encouraged me to question how the things work. One day, I attended a workshop on CyberSecurity provided by a police trainer and that struck a chord with me. I realised that I could use technology to save lives and solve crimes! What followed was that I went back home and looked at a cyber threat map and was taken aback by the attacks that were firing up on my screen. I saw this and went “Right, I don’t know how but I’m going to reduce these attacks firing..” The words tho said in a moment of impulsiveness are still something that motivate me to this day. I have been messing around with tools and breaking numerous linux distributions since 2 years now and felt that I should properly document my journey as something I look back on and hopefully also help others like me out there.

Learning by Doing

Sure, I may not have all the answers (who does, really?), but that’s the beauty of it. Cybersecurity is a never-ending learning journey, and I’m here for it. From dissecting malware to mastering encryption algorithms, every challenge is an opportunity to level up my skills and expand my knowledge.

Documenting the Adventure

And so, this blog was born – a digital scrapbook of my cybersecurity escapades. Think of it as a treasure map, with each post leading you deeper into the labyrinth of cybersecurity. Along the way, you’ll find tutorials, tool reviews, and maybe even a few war stories from the front lines. Join Me on the Quest

So, fellow cyber adventurers, whether you’re a seasoned pro or a curious newbie, I invite you to join me on this quest. Together, we’ll explore the dark alleys of the internet, unraveling mysteries and leaving no digital stone unturned. So grab your virtual fedora and let’s dive into the unknown. Who knows what we’ll discover?

Stay tuned for more tales from the digital frontier. Until then, happy hacking!

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